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| TerminologíasEstándares relativos a la terminología
Interesante lista de estándares relativos a la
terminología, en un mensaje de
Kara Warburton al
foro de discusión sobre «localización» y terminología de
Como no tiene desperdicio lo parafraseo:
Here is a list of Terminology Standards that
I am familiar with and which I find useful. This is a
starting point for a SIG list. Please post as a reply any
additional ones which you find useful.
- TermBase eXchange format. This is the XML
terminology markup format proposed by the LISA/OSCAR
standards group as an standard for the localization
industry. More info here:
- Open Lexicon Interchange Format.
This is an interchange format specifically for
machine-readable lexicographical data, such as for
translation systems. OLIF data will be recordable in
ISO TC 37 Standards
ISO DIS 16642:2002 - TMF
- Terminology Markup
Framework. This is a high-level standard framework for
defining individual TMLs
(terminology markup
languages). It covers basic structure and architecture
of TMLs and terminology databases.
ISO 12620:1999 (under revision) - Terminology Data
Categories. This standard is being revised into 2
parts. The first part describes a standard generic
method for defining data categories for terminology
collections (what standard properties they should have,
etc.). The second part is an inventory of all the
possible types of data categories in lexicology and
terminology (term, part of speech, definition, context,
variants, etc., etc.). This part is very useful as a
catalog for picking data categories for your own
terminology database.
ISO 12200:1999 - MARTIF
- If you're still into SGML, this is
a good established standard markup format. MARTIF is
the basis for TBX and is also supported by a number of
terminology tools. MARTIF will be integrated as an
appendix in the final version of ISO 16642.
ISO 17241 - GENETER.
Another standard SGML format for
terminology, used by some databases in Europe. GENETER
will be integrated as an appendix in the final version
of ISO 16642.
ISO 704:2000 - Terminology Work - Principles and
methods. Provides all kinds of useful information
about terminology research methods and writing
definitions, and other process-oriented tasks.
ISO 12616 - Translation-oriented
terminography. Provides useful guidelines for
terminology work specifically to support the
translation process.
ISO 1087-1 and 1087-2 - Terminology Work -
Vocabulary. These basically contain definitions of
standard terms in terminology. A useful reference point
for the SIG.
Estandarizando lexicones computacionales:
«OLIF», the
«Open Lexicon Interchange Format»
is a user-friendly vehicle
for exchanging terminological and lexical data.
What is special about OLIF?
OLIF is XML-compliant and offers
support for natural language
processing (NLP) systems,
such as machine translation, by providing coverage of a
wide and detailed range of linguistic features.